Friday, October 22, 2010

A Tale of Two Crafters

Have you ever been the victim of a copy cat? Think hard. Remember that time back in middle school, when you wore that new dress to school (you know, the one you'd had your eye on for weeks and saved every dime of babysitting money for? Yeah, that one.) and then the day after you finally wore your fabulous new threads to school, your dress showed up in math class the next day--on the girl who sat two rows over.

That girl? Totally a copy cat.

How about a few weeks ago when your co-worker came in raving about that new restaurant in town...a mere week after you had given a glowing recommendation for the same spot around the water cooler?

Your co-worker? Copy cat.

And as irked as you may have been at the time, its true what your mama always said. When others copy you, it's because they want to be like you--and that's a pretty big compliment!

Not so long ago, we were two average girls. We were going through our lives, going through the motions, living happily in ignorance of the potential that awaited us, in all places, online. It started innocently enough. A new blog here, a great idea there. Before we knew it, our Google readers were nearly bursting at the seams--and our to-do lists had never been longer (or more enticing!). And an overwhelming desire to be copy cats was born.

To make a long story short, we've been inspired. The Internet is FULL of talented, creative, and crafty bloggers who share their know-how and inspiration everyday, and it's because of them that we've decided to embark on this journey. We want to be brutally honest: until (very) recently, we didn't own so much as a glue gun. We do not know what we are doing. But we figured that we also aren't alone, either. For those of you out there like us, the crafty wannabes who want to create, decorate, and not spend a lot of dough, you've come to the right place. This blog is going to do the crafty leg work for you. We'll troll the interwebs, find the can't-miss crafts, decor, recipes and ideas, and document our own humble attempts at creating something, well, out of nothing.

So this is how we hope things are going to go. We'll take on a craft and document our experience from start to finish. We'll give you all the dirty details: how much it cost, how much time it really takes to complete, and whether or not we think its worth doing again.

Just because we're self-proclaimed copy cats, it doesn't mean we want to take all the credit either. We want to make sure that those creative crafters who've inspired us get their credit...and that you all can start beefing up your own list of bloggy inspiration. So, here we go...on our own journey to inspire and be copy catting craft at a time!

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