The Big Ticket Items
A Cricut or Silouette Machine. This is the Holy Grail of crafting. Having one of these babies would mean endless possibilities when it comes to creating. We can’t even being to dream up all the things this baby would allow us to do. Seriously, swoon.
A 100 MM Macro Lens for my camera. This isn’t a crafting too, per se, but I do like to think of photography as one of the “crafts” that I am perfecting. I love taking pictures of all the new things we create and this new lens would be just the thing to capture every mouth-watering detail of the recipes we are dying to try!
A basic sewing machine- we do not know how to sew. But we want to learn! I have big dreams of sewing new throw pillows and someday getting really brave and maybe trying my hand at a window treatment or two. And while we aren’t quite ready to get fancy with monogramming, embroidery, or making anything somebody might actually wear, we would like to become seamstresses in our own right!
Stocking Stuffers
A rotary cutter- perfect for cutting fabric—this would make tasks like cutting felt squares for wreaths a cinch!
Lots of punches. From invitations to art to gift tags to book page wreath- punches can make a whole bevy of beautiful crafts a breeze!
Lots of fabric and ribbon. You can never have enough on hand. Sometimes, the right craft calls your name but if you don’t have fabric or ribbon handy, you’re stuck. We’d like to change that fact for our little operation.
Martha Stewart Glitter. We have heard many a crafty blogger sing the praises of this sparkly stuff and most say it’s the only kind of glitter to use. But if you don’t have a 50% off coup on hand, it can be pretty pricey. If Santa’s elves could magically produce an entire rainbow of Martha, we wouldn’t be too sad about it!
Every color in the Krylon rainbow. Let’s face it, we are addicted to spray paint and so far, we are loving Krylon. The color selection is amazing and we can’t wait to get our hands on
A spray paint handle sprayer. Being spray paint addicts means our fingers are constantly either a) covered in the stuff or b) cramped up from continuous-spray action. One of these handy dandy little add-on’s is just what we need to make our spray painting endeavors a piece of cake.
More glue sticks! A crafty cat can never have too many glue sticks on hand. There is nothing worse than hitting your crafting groove on a project only to realize you are out of glue sticks halfway through.
HTML for Dummies. Not only are we novice crafters, but we are blogging beginners as well. For now, we are satisfied to swoon over the delicious designs of other blogs out there, but we have our eye on giving our own corner of the internet a facelift in the future.
A Mint cleaner. This one is only partially a crafty wish. With all the craft nights converging on my casa, this would be a lifesaver when it comes to pre-crafty cleaning (I have a toddler and two dogs—my floors are always in need of cleaning!) and to post craft night clean up. All those glitter leftovers, glue gun strings, and (ahem) dessert crumbs have to go somewhere, after all! The thought of being able to turn this thing on and get back to better things (like crafting!) makes this Copy Cat all giddy inside. And did I mention I have one of these:
Yeah. Clean floors= hard to come by + a necessity. Its a constant struggle, I tell you!
Can't Be Wrapped (but we can dream, right?)
An extra hour in the day, another day in the week, a money tree, whatever gene it is that makes Martha Stewart Martha Stewart. We just never seem to find enough! Perhaps our New Year's resolution should be to start working on our acceptance of reality? :)
This list isn’t comprehensive—there are a lot of things out there that we didn’t mention—but these are what we’ve been dreaming about lately. What’s on your crafty wish list this year?
I am participating in Infarrantly Creative and Tatertots and Jello’s Blog Hop for a chance to win a Mint Cleaner. It is the revolutionary machine that cleans your hard floor surfaces for you.
Click here to join the blog hop and a chance to win!

The Mint Cleaner is available at the following places:
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